Plant Care Services

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Over our many years in business, Droege Tree Care has helped clients with not just their trees, but every different type of plant on their property. From their lawn to the flowers and shrubs that fill their flowerbeds, we leverage our knowledge to make sure that your property is not only looking its best but healthy and sustainable. Our staff has the kind of practical experience and scientific knowledge needed to make sure that your property is cared for optimally.

Learn more below about some of the important things that need to be considered when analyzing the health of a property.

Diseases and insects in the Greater St. Louis region

Knowing the kinds of plant diseases and insects that are native to the region is a vital part of ensuring that your property is properly protected from the damage they could cause. Here are some important links curated by our experts that detail these risks.

Common Tree Diseases
Plant Damaging Insects

Treatments for the Emerald Ash Borer

The Emerald Ash Borer is an invasive species from Asia that attacks Ash trees. Droege Tree Care traditionally administers EAB treatments during May and June, which are good for 2 years. If you have an Ash tree on your property, your first step is to establish whether or not the tree is "worthy" of treatment (large enough and healthy enough) or if it is more cost-effective to remove the tree and plant a new species. Feel free to give us a call to set up an appointment to discuss your options!
National Emerald Ash Borer website
This Website is part of a multinational effort in Michigan, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Ontario and Quebec to bring you the latest information about emerald ash borer.
From Arborjet: symptoms, treatment, when to treat, what to expect after treatment.
University of Missouri Extension
This website is the information source on EAB for those affected by, or potentially affected by, the insect's presence in our state.
Make sure your plants are healthy with routine care from our team. (314) 863-1903
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